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Building Regulations

Building Regulations are in place to ensure that whatever is built is done so safely and properly. Each council has its own team of Building Control officers who come out and inspect that everything is in order during construction.

Builder London has proven results for setting exceptional standards in cost control, planning, scheduling and project safety. We have the experience that gives us a competitive advantage over others in our field.

What does Building Regulations cover?

  • Structural Supports
  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
  • Ventilation
  • Drainage and Waste Disposal
  • Energy Conservation
  • Energy Conservation
  • Electrical and Gas Safety
  • Workmanship and Materials

A Building Control Officer oversees the construction of a project and makes sure that all the current Building Regulation Guidelines are followed correctly, a fee is payable to your local council in respect of the services they provide during inspections.

Building Regulations are what guarantee safety and correctness in construction.

For more information about Building Regulations or to arrange a quotation call us on 02080873033 or email us at

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