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Demolition London

Builder London are specialists in conducting demolition services in London. Building demolition process involves a variety of steps such as :


  • Preparing a plan
  • Elimination of harmful materials
  • Safety regulations and similar measures
  • Surveying and reconnaissance of buildings for demolition


Surveying refers to the research and analysis of various features of a building and its surroundings. There are mainly two types of surveying known as structural surveying and building surveying.


The process involved in structural surveying are :

  • The type of construction
  • The structural conditions and system of underground vaults, tanks and basements.
  • The authentic structural system used in the design.
  • Elimination of harmful materials
  • The condition of the structure


A thorough investigation will be carried out for toxic materials in the building and its surroundings before demolition. During the inspection, if any sort of harmful materials, such as radioactive metals, asbestos minerals, or petroleum contamination are found out, experts from specialized divisions will be deployed to remove such toxic materials before demolition.

The process involved in building surveying are :

  •     Finding out the different kinds of materials used for construction
  •     The existence of hazardous materials, wastewater, toxic chemicals, explosive or flammable materials, radioactive materials
  •     The vulnerability of the neighborhood regarding the after-effects that include dust, vibration, and noise, etc.
  •     The impact on traffic conditions and nearby pedestrians
  •     Common partition walls and staircases of the neighboring building
  •     Flooding and erosion possibilities
  •     Water pollution and drainage situations
  •     The utilization of building before demolition


A detailed plan for demolishing structures include :

  •     The site plan of the building for demolition
  •     The proximity of the building to be demolished to the neighboring buildings and other structures
  •     The basic support system of the structure
  •     A comprehensive plan showcasing the exact method of demolition to be used and a thorough sequence of demolition.
  •     A comprehensive plan exhibiting the detailed precautionary measures taken for the safety of the public which consists of safety nets, walkways, catch fans, hoardings, protective screens and scaffolding, etc  
  •     Procedure to handle the structural debris
  •     The time necessary to accomplish the whole process of demolition
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